Peter: Okay, so in Genesis 2, God finishes creating the world and takes a day off.
Lois: Yeah, he's like, "Good job, everybody, let's put on Family Guy and relax for a bit."
Stewie: Alright, so what does God do next?
Peter: Well, he plants a garden in Eden and puts Adam and Eve in it. He tells them not to eat from the tree of knowledge or they'll die.
Brian: That's a pretty harsh punishment.
Stewie: Yeah, but I guess it's like when my parents said I couldn't watch The Simpsons and I totally died.
Peter: But then the snake comes and convinces Eve to eat the fruit.
Lois: Ugh, snakes. They're like the Kardashians of the animal kingdom.
Brian: Then God realizes what's happened and kicks Adam and Eve out of the garden.
Peter: Yeah, God's all, "You guys wanna get outta here? I got a bus leaving in five minutes."
Stewie: Then what happens?
Lois: Well, God makes Adam and Eve clothes out of animal skins, and then he puts an angel at the entrance of the garden to make sure no one goes back in.
Peter: Yeah, and then God's like, "Don't even think about it, folks! I got my eye on you!"