Robin: Holy Book of Genesis, Batman! What does it say about Chapter 15?

Batman: This chapter is all about a promise. The Lord appeared to Abram and promised him a great nation, descendants as numerous as the stars, and land.

Joker: Ha ha! That's a tall order! What did Abram say to that?

Robin: Well, he asked for a sign to prove the Lord's promise would come true.

Batman: Exactly! And the Lord told him to take some animals and cut them in half, then lay them in two rows.

Catwoman: Oh my! That sounds gruesome!

Robin: Yes, it was a sign of a covenant between the Lord and Abram. The Lord passed between the animals in a smoking fire pot and a blazing torch.

Batman: It was a symbolic way of showing Abram that He would keep His promises.

Joker: What happened after that?

Robin: The Lord made a promise to Abram to give him and his descendants the land of Canaan forever.

Batman: A promise He kept to this day.

Catwoman: Wow! What a powerful story!