[Batman and Robin enter the Batcave.]

Batman: Ah, the Batcave. Let us review what we've learned from Genesis 35, my faithful sidekick.

Robin: Of course, Batman. Jacob and his family moved to Bethel, where God reappeared to him and changed his name to Israel. He then built an altar to God.

Batman: Yes, and after that we have the passing of Isaac, Jacob's father.

Robin: Right. Jacob then made his way to Mamre, where he built yet another altar, and then moved to Hebron.

Catwoman: [Entering] Excuse me, but I couldn't help but overhear. Are you talking about the Bible?

Batman: Indeed we are. We are discussing the events of Genesis 35.

Catwoman: Interesting. What else happened?

Robin: Rachel, Jacob's wife, died while giving birth to their son Benjamin.

Catwoman: Ah, how sad. What else?

Batman: God gave Jacob a new name, Israel, and commanded him to move to Bethel and build an altar there.

Catwoman: Fascinating. Anything else?

Robin: Jacob then moved to Hebron, where he built another altar.

Catwoman: Very interesting. Thank you for the lesson. [Catwoman exits.]

Batman: You're welcome, Catwoman.