Joker: Ah, ah, ah, it's time for another chapter of the Bible! What do you and your trusty sidekick have in store for us today?
Batman: We have Genesis 47, Robin.
Robin: As Joseph's brothers bow down before him, Pharaoh makes him the ruler of all Egypt. Joseph collects all the money and grain produced in Egypt and stores it in Pharaoh's granaries.
Joker: But what about the people?
Batman: When a famine hits Egypt and Canaan, Joseph sells grain to the people in exchange for their livestock and money. When the money runs out, Joseph forces them to give themselves and their land to Pharaoh.
Robin: Eventually, the land of Egypt belongs to Pharaoh, except for the land of the priests. Joseph also gives the people of Egypt food in exchange for a fifth of their crops.
Joker: That does sound like a fair deal.
Batman: Yes, Joker, and Joseph also takes care of his own family. He gives them the best land in Egypt and he provides for all of their needs.
Robin: That's a great way to take care of his family.
Joker: And it's a nice reminder that doing the right thing pays off.