Joe: Hey everyone, it's Joe Rogan here. Today I'm joined by a Bible Expert to go through the book of Genesis chapter by chapter. So, let's start with Genesis 22.

Bible Expert: Sure. So, in this chapter, God tests Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac.

Joe: That's crazy!

Bible Expert: It is. But, Abraham agrees and takes Isaac up a mountain to make the sacrifice. He builds an altar and binds Isaac there.

Jamie: (in the background) Joe, I just Googled it and it says that the location of the sacrifice is believed to be the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Joe: Wow, that is wild! So then what happened?

Bible Expert: Well, just as Abraham is about to make the sacrifice, an angel stops him. God then rewards Abraham for his faithfulness by giving him a ram to sacrifice in place of his son.

Joe: That's amazing. So, it's like Abraham was being tested and he passed?

Bible Expert: Exactly. This story is a great example of Abraham's faith and obedience to God. It also shows how God rewards those who have faith in Him and trust Him.

Joe: Wow, that's really powerful. Well, I'm sure our listeners have learned a lot from this. Thanks for joining us Bible Expert!