Joe: Alright, we are here with a Bible expert to discuss Genesis 37. What is this chapter about?
Expert: Well Joe, this chapter is about the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob.
Joe: Wow, that sounds intense. Is Joseph a good guy or a bad guy?
Expert: He is definitely a good guy. He is very favored by Jacob and is given a coat of many colors as a sign of his favor.
Joe: Alright, so what happens to Joseph?
Expert: Well, his brothers are very jealous of his favored position and they decide to sell him into slavery in Egypt. Joseph is taken to Egypt and sold to a man named Potiphar.
Joe: That sounds harsh! What happens to Joseph in Egypt?
Expert: Well, Joseph ends up prospering in Egypt and eventually becomes the Vizier of Egypt, second in command to the Pharaoh. His brothers eventually come to Egypt to buy food and eventually recognize Joseph as their brother.
Joe: Wow, that's quite a story! Is there anything else we should know about Genesis 37?
Expert: Well, it is a great reminder that God can take our worst moments and turn them into something great. Joseph endured a lot of suffering, but in the end, he was able to provide for his family and save them from famine.