All right, folks, in today’s chapter of Genesis, the Lord kept his promise and he gave Sarah a son – and y’all won’t believe the name he gave him. Abraham, who’s like, a hundred years old at this point, named his son Isaac, which is Hebrew for “LOL, why did I name him that?” Meanwhile, Hagar and Ishmael, Sarah’s handmaid and her son, were sent away. And this is where things get real interesting: Hagar and Ishmael were wandering in the desert, and they were about to die of thirst, when God opened Hagar’s eyes and she saw a well. So, she called it Beer-Lahai-Roi, which means “Oh, my God – a well!” Anyway, Ishmael grew up, and he became an archer, and he lived in the wilderness of Paran. And Abraham made a pact with Abimelech, which was a big deal at the time. So, to sum it up: God kept his promise, Hagar found a well, Ishmael became an archer, and Abraham made a pact. That’s what happened in Genesis 21 – see ya next time!