Well folks, Genesis 49 has Jacob, who is also known as Israel, giving his blessing to each of his twelve sons. It's a long one, so here's the gist of it: Reuben, the eldest son, is cursed because of his sexual misconduct. Simeon and Levi receive a really harsh rebuke for their role in the massacre of the people of Shechem. Judah is praised for his strength, and will have a powerful kingdom. Zebulun and Issachar will have a pleasant land and great riches. Dan will be a judge and have a powerful presence. Gad will be attacked but will overcome. Asher's food will be rich and his land fertile. Naphtali will be a speedy deer and will have great blessings. Joseph will be the leader of his brothers and will receive a double portion. Benjamin will be a wolf and will have great strength. Finally, Jacob blesses all of his sons collectively, saying that they will be blessed and will be scattered among the nations. That's Genesis 49 - and that's the Bible folks!