ATTEN-TION! All of ya'll listen up! This is Genesis 43! Ya'll better learn this one real good. So Joseph's brothers went back to Canaan and told Jacob, their father, about the success of their trip to Egypt. Jacob was pretty pleased, but he wanted to make sure his sons weren't mistaken about Joseph being the ruler of Egypt. Ya'll better believe he made them go back to get Benjamin, Jacob's youngest son. So they went back to Egypt with Benjamin, and Joseph threw a big feast for them. He also made sure to give Benjamin five times as much food as the rest of his brothers, which made them feel pretty guilty. They were so scared that Joseph was gonna get mad at them, but he just hugged Benjamin, and they were all relieved. Then Joseph gave them all the grain they needed to get back home, and they were on their way. So that's it - Genesis 43! Ya'll better know it!