Batman: Robin, did you read this chapter?
Robin: Sure did, Batman! Colossians 4 tells us to be wise in the way we act and speak. We should be full of grace and speak with kindness so that our words will be heard.
Batman: Good advice, Robin. What else?
Robin: We're also encouraged to be prayerful in all circumstances and to thank God for everything. We should also be mindful of our time, using it wisely and never wasting it.
Batman: Excellent, Robin!
Catwoman: Ooh, sounds like the Dynamic Duo are getting all spiritual!
Batman: Don't mock our faith, Catwoman. Colossians 4 also tells us to be wise in our interactions with outsiders, to never give up hope, and to show love and forgiveness to others.
Catwoman: That's all well and good, Batman, but I still think it's a bit silly.
Robin: Not silly at all, Catwoman. Colossians 4 reminds us that our attitudes and actions reflect our faith and should be an example to the world.
Batman: Indeed they should, Robin. Now let's go see if we can put this chapter into practice!