Batman: Greetings, Robin. We have been asked by our beloved Commissioner Gordon to investigate the ancient writings of 1 Thessalonians.
Robin: How exciting! What do these writings contain?
Batman: The writings tell of how the Thessalonian Christians were commended for their faith and love, and for their strong example of how to live in faith and love.
Robin: What else do the writings tell us?
Batman: That the Thessalonians were converted from idolatry and sin to faith and love, and that they were a model of faith and love to other believers.
Catwoman: Oh, I do love a good story about faith and love. What else does it tell us?
Batman: It tells us that their faith and love was spread throughout the world and that it encouraged other believers to follow their example.
Robin: That is truly inspiring!
Batman: Indeed, it is. Commissioner Gordon will be pleased to hear of these findings. Let us continue our investigation.