Peter: Alright, folks, it's Bible time. So, 1 Thessalonians 1 starts with Paul and Silas talking about how excited they are about the church in Thessalonica, and how hard they worked to spread the word of God.

Lois: Oh, and then he mentions how great their faith is, and how they turned away from idols to serve the living and true God.

Chris: Yeah, and then he talks about how they waited for Jesus to come back, just like they were told to, and how they welcomed the message with joy.

Brian: Like, they were totally pumped and stuff!

Stewie: So then Paul is all like, "You guys are a great example to other believers, and your faith in God is being talked about all over the place."

Meg: Oh, and then he talks about how God chose them to be saved through the Holy Spirit and through belief in the truth.

Quagmire: Yeah, and then he's like, "You know, you're an example to believers everywhere, which is why we're always praying for you."

Peter: Alright, that wraps up 1 Thessalonians 1. Now, who's up for a game of Mario Kart?