[Batman and Robin are walking down a corridor.]

Batman: Robin, it appears that 1 Thessalonians 5 is a call for us to stay alert, because we do not know the day or hour our Lord will come.

Robin: You're right, Batman! It says to stay sober and alert, and to put on the armor of faith and love, and to be prepared for the coming of the Lord.

[Joker appears.]

Joker: What? Why would you want to do that? That sounds boring!

Batman: Joker, we are doing this because it is the right thing to do. We must always be prepared for the coming of the Lord, no matter what.

Joker: [scoffs] Whatever. I'm out of here. [He exits.]

Robin: Wow, Batman. That was awesome!

Batman: Thank you, Robin. Now let's make sure we stay prepared - just in case!