Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! 1 Thessalonians 2.
Robin: Yes, Batman! It says that Paul, Silas, and Timothy were sent to preach the word of God in Thessalonica.
Batman: They worked hard and withstood persecution and ridicule.
Joker: Ha ha ha! That's not very nice!
Robin: But they kept at it, Joker. They ministered to the Thessalonians with such devotedness and love that the people were won over and accepted the gospel.
Batman: Then Paul and the others had to leave Thessalonica and continued to preach in other places.
Catwoman: But they didn't forget their beloved Thessalonians! They kept in touch with them and encouraged them in their faith.
Riddler: How very noble of them!
Robin: Indeed! They wanted to make sure the Thessalonians were well-grounded in their faith and that their faith would continue to grow.
Batman: And so, the moral of the story is that we should never forget our brothers and sisters in Christ, even when we have to leave them. We should always strive to encourage and guide them in their faith.