Batman: Ah, Robin - it's time to learn about the seventh chapter of Zechariah.
Robin: What does it say, Batman?
Batman: The Lord sends a message to the people of Bethel, asking why they continue to fast and mourn when the Lord no longer requires them to do so.
Catwoman: I don't get it. What's the point?
Batman: The point is that the Lord wants the people to show love and compassion for others, instead of just focusing on their own needs. He wants them to be just and fair, and to do what is right.
Joker: That's all well and good, but what about me?
Batman: You? Well, the Lord says that those who refuse to listen to His message will be punished.
Robin: That doesn't sound like much fun.
Batman: No, it's not. But the Lord reminds us that He has been merciful in the past, and that He will continue to be so in the future.