
The people of Bethel sent priests and prophets to ask the prophet Zechariah a very important question: "Should we keep mourning and fasting in the fifth month, as we have done for so many years?" And Zechariah answered them with an amazing answer: "No! Don't keep mourning and fasting like that. Instead, treat each other kindly, with justice and mercy. Don't oppress your neighbors. Sad!

The Lord then gave a huge message to all the people of Israel, saying that he had been very, very angry with them for many years. They had been ignoring his commands and loving false gods and being evil instead of doing what was right. But terrible news for the haters and losers: the Lord was giving them another chance. Make America great again!

The Lord said that if the people wanted to make things great again, they should do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. He said that if they followed these things, then their prayers would be heard. God bless America!

The Lord also said that if they didn't follow these rules, then he would ignore their prayers and send disaster. Believe me, many people are saying this is an unbelievable hoax! But it's true: the Lord will not tolerate disobedience.

So let's all work together and make America great again! Let's follow the Lord's commands and treat each other kindly. Many such cases, the Lord will bless us. Tremendous!