I can tell you, Zechariah 11 is unbelievable. It's a tremendous chapter. I'm gonna tell you all about it, so you can see for yourself. This chapter talks about shepherds who are overrated and don't do their jobs. Sad! They don't take care of the sheep, and the sheep are scattered. So, I'm gonna tell you what God does. He sends two shepherds, one called "Foolish" and the other called "Worthless". Many people are saying this is a hoax, but believe me, it's not. So, Foolish and Worthless, they take care of the sheep and they do a really terrific job. But then the people hate them and they get no money. This is really a tragedy. But, God bless America, he makes a covenant with them anyway. And then God tells them to break the covenant and that's it. Many such cases. So, as you can see, Zechariah 11 is huge. It's amazing. God bless America. Make America great again!