Listen up, recruits! This is Zechariah 11. In this chapter, God is not happy with the people of Israel. He's mad because they've been worshiping idols instead of Him. So He's gonna punish them. He tells the prophet Zechariah to be a shepherd and take care of His sheep, but then He tells him to break his staff of kindness and compassion. God is upset and He's gonna break the people of Israel into two groups. He's gonna let one group be taken away into captivity and the other group will be left behind. He also tells Zechariah to take what's left of the money that the people of Israel were supposed to give to Him and use it to buy a pair of shepherd's staffs. One will be called "Beauty" and the other "Bonds". God says that He's gonna break His covenant with the people of Israel and make them suffer for their sins. But He also says that He'll eventually restore them and bring them back home. So that's Zechariah 11! Any questions?