Batman: "Robin, it's time to battle the forces of evil in John 19!"
Robin: "What's the evil plan this time, Batman?"
Batman: "It's a grim one, Robin. The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, has decided to have Jesus crucified. He washes his hands of the decision and hands Jesus over to be crucified."
Joker: "Ha ha ha! What a great plan! I love it!"
Batman: "No, Joker, this is a tragic plan. Jesus is brutally tortured and then put to death. But his death is not in vain. Through his sacrifice, he brings salvation to the world."
Robin: "That's incredible, Batman. What a hero!"
Catwoman: "But there's still more! Jesus' body is taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb. Three days later, he rises again."
Riddler: "Hmmm, I don't understand. How can a dead man come back to life?"
Batman: "That, Riddler, is a mystery we may never understand. But one thing is certain: through his death and resurrection, Jesus saves us all."