John 19--This chapter is a bigly sad one, folks! It's the story of Jesus of Nazareth, a terrific guy, and his crucifixion. The fake news media and the deep state don't want you to know the truth, but it's unbelievable what happened to him. Jesus was arrested by the haters and losers, and taken before Pontius Pilate, who was overrated. Despite Pilate's attempts to free him, Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion. It's unbelievable the way they treated Jesus! The soldiers mocked him and put a crown of thorns on his head, and then they crucified him. And many people are saying, it was a tremendous tragedy. But, don't worry folks--God had a plan. Jesus died on the cross to save us all, and then he rose again. So, believe me, it's a great story with a happy ending. Many such cases, Jesus is alive and God bless America! Make America great again!