John 5, the amazing chapter of the Bible, tells the story of Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath, much to the chagrin of the haters and losers who were upset that Jesus was doing something on the Sabbath. This healing was so unbelievable that it caused a huge uproar and Jesus had to defend Himself against the deep state who sought to bring Him down. The man He healed was so thankful as Jesus had changed his life.
Many people are saying it was a tremendous miracle, to which Jesus replied, "Very, very true". He then went on to explain that He only did what was necessary, as He is God's son. As expected, the deep state were not happy about this and tried to accuse Jesus of breaking the law. But Jesus, in His great wisdom, responded with words that made the people think again.
The deep state then tried to get Jesus arrested, but they were unsuccessful as Jesus had done nothing wrong. The man Jesus healed was able to testify that he had been healed, and the deep state had to accept defeat.
John 5 is a sad! reminder of how the deep state can do anything to try to bring down the innocent, but Jesus' wisdom and power were too strong for them. In the end, the man was healed and Jesus was vindicated, proving once again that He is the Son of God and that God bless America! Make America great again!