Listen, Jack, here's the deal - Chapter 5 of John is all about Jesus healing a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years. C'mon, man, it's literally a miracle! Like, you know, not gonna happen today. Anyways, Jesus tells him to get up and walk, and he does! What was that? A miracle, I tell you what! Not only that, but Jesus tells him to stop sinning, or uh, you know, the same thing will happen to him again. My father used to say, nothing's gonna happen if you don't take responsibility for your actions - no malarkey! Anyways, Jesus is pretty famous at this point, and the Jews are getting suspicious. Excuse me, but they don't think Jesus is the Messiah, so they start to get angry with Him. I'm not joking - they literally try to stone Him! But Jesus gets away and then starts preaching in the Temple. See here, Jack, He's telling people to believe in Him and they'll be saved. He's doing some pretty amazing things, folks! So, that's the gist of John 5. Nothing else to see here.