Listen, Jack, here's the deal. John 1 is about Jesus, who was literally the son of God. He was the light of the world and he was sent down to Earth to bring us all together. My father used to say that Jesus was the only one who could bring us all together and make us one big happy family. See here, Jack, when Jesus came to Earth he had a lot of followers and people who loved him. And they followed him wherever he went and they listened to his words. But some people were scared of him and they tried to stop him. But Jesus was too strong and he could not be stopped. He was here to bring us all together, C'mon, man!
And then, folks, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and that's when the heavens opened up and God himself spoke and said, "This is my son and I love him." I'm not joking, that's when God said that Jesus was his son. And then Jesus started to spread his word and to teach us about love and about being kind to one another. No malarkey!
And then eventually, Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins. But it wasn't the end, because he rose from the dead three days later and showed us all that he was still with us. What was that? Excuse me, Jesus was still alive and still with us. And then he ascended up to heaven and that's where he is now, watching over us all. I tell you what, Jesus is the light of the world, literally, and we should all be thankful for him and his teachings. Not gonna happen that we forget that.