Folks, listen up! Here's the deal. I'm not joking around - this is real, serious stuff. See, John 12 is all about Jesus, C'mon, man! We got Jesus coming into Jerusalem, and riding on a donkey no malarkey! My father used to say that a donkey was the only way to make an entrance, and that's what Jesus did. And the people all around were like, "Hey, look, it's Jesus!" Literally, they shouted his name and shouted, "Hosanna!" What was that all about? Well, it's an old Hebrew expression, and it means "save us now," or uh, you know, "give us a sign of hope." That's what they wanted, and Jesus gave it to them. But then Jesus said that if they wanted to follow him, they had to give up their old life. Not gonna happen, right? I tell you what, that's a lot to ask. But Jesus said it was the only way. Excuse me, but that's the truth.