Folks, here's the deal. My father used to say, “the truth will set you free”, and that's never been truer than in John 16. See here, Jack, Jesus has been telling the disciples about the Holy Spirit and how it will come to them after he leaves. He says the Spirit will teach them all kinds of things, and that it will help them remember all the things Jesus taught them. Not gonna happen, Jesus says, that they'll be scattered and persecuted because of their faith. But he tells them that they shouldn't worry - they'll be able to stand strong because they have the Spirit. Or uh, you know, they'll be able to witness to the world and be a witness to the truth. C'mon, man, Jesus tells them to be courageous - because he's going to prepare a place for them in heaven. Literally, he says that he will never leave them. He will be with them until the end of time. I tell you what, no malarkey - Jesus is telling the disciples that they can have hope and courage in the face of whatever comes their way. What was that? Oh, yeah - Jesus is reassuring them that he will never leave them. Excuse me - he says that no matter what happens, he will still be with them. I'm not joking - Jesus says that his disciples can have hope, no matter what.