Listen, Jack, here's the deal - I'm not joking - this is the story of Jesus in John 2. It all started when Jesus and his disciples were at a wedding and the wine ran out. Jesus' mother told the servants to fill up the stone jars with water and Jesus turned it into wine. Folks, it was the best wine they'd ever tasted. Jesus told his mother that his time had not yet come, but she told the servants to do whatever he said.
Now, my father used to say, “There's no use crying over spilled wine.” And Jesus sure proved him right. See here, Jack, I'm telling you, it was a miracle. Jesus literally turned water into wine and saved the party. What was that? He saved the party!
Anyway, Jesus then went to the temple and saw people changing money and buying animals for sacrifice. He got so mad that he flipped over the tables and drove out all the money changers and animal sellers. He said that the temple was to be a house of prayer, not a market! Excuse me, but he was not gonna have it.
You know, I tell you what, Jesus then went to Capernaum and healed the sick and performed other miracles. He even talked to the people about the truth of God and his kingdom.
I'm sure you've heard of this story before, but it's worth repeating. Jesus is a miracle worker and he's here to save us. No malarkey! So, c'mon, man, what are you waiting for? Let's get to it!