Jesus Changes Water into Wine.

Batman: We must intervene, Robin! Jesus is at a wedding, and the host has run out of wine!

Robin: Holy hangover, Batman! How will he save the day?

Catwoman: Oh, I'm sure he's got a trick or two up his sleeve!

Batman: I'm counting on it, Catwoman. Let's go and find out!

Robin: When we arrived, the servants told Jesus they had no wine left.

Joker: Ah, a dilemma! What did he do?

Batman: He commanded the servants to fill six large jars with water. Then he told them to draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.

Riddler: What happened next?

Robin: When the master tasted the water, he was amazed! It had been changed into the finest wine he had ever tasted!

Penguin: What a party-saver!

Batman: Indeed! It was a miracle that showed his glory, and his disciples believed in him.