Batman: Holy Resurrection, Robin! Mary Magdalene has just seen the Lord!
Robin: You mean Jesus has come back to life?
Batman: That's right, old chum! Mary Magdalene was the first to see him after the resurrection.
Joker: Oh, I just love a good resurrection story! It's so inspiring!
Catwoman: Don't be fooled by the Easter eggs, Joker! Mary Magdalene had to be convinced by Jesus that he was really alive.
Riddler: And then Jesus sent Mary to share the good news with the others.
Penguin: What did Jesus tell her?
Robin: He told her to tell the disciples that he was going to the Father.
Batman: Then Jesus appeared to the disciples and showed them his hands and his side to prove that he was alive. He also gave them the authority to forgive sin and promised them the Holy Spirit.
Joker: Wow, that's a lot of promises!
Catwoman: Yes, and it's a good reminder that Jesus will never break his promises.
Riddler: That's right! He's our Everlasting Savior!
Penguin: Amen!