(Batman and Robin are walking down the street, discussing the events of the previous chapter.)
Robin: Gosh Batman, that was quite a miracle we saw back there in John 8!
Batman: Indeed it was, Robin. But let's keep our minds open and see what else Jesus has in store for us in chapter 9.
(Suddenly, the Joker appears, cackling maniacally.)
Joker: Hey there, dynamic duo! What are you two up to?
Robin: (startled) Uh, we're just discussing the Bible.
Batman: That's right, Joker. We're talking about John 9. It's about a man who was born blind and Jesus heals him.
Joker: Ooh, sounds like a real hoot! You know, I could use a good laugh.
Batman: (sternly) I'm afraid you won't find much humor in this chapter, Joker. Jesus heals the man, but then the Pharisees begin to question him and his parents.
Joker: (disappointed) Oh, how dreary. Well, I guess I'll be on my way then.
Robin: (smiling) Don't worry, Joker. I'm sure there's plenty of trouble for you to cause elsewhere.
(Joker scowls, then turns and runs away.)
Batman: Don't worry, Robin. The Lord always works in mysterious ways. Let's keep reading and see what else He has in store for us.