Peter: Alright, so this is John 9.

Lois: Okay, so what's it about?

Stewie: Well, it starts off with Jesus healing a man who was born blind.

Brian: That's pretty cool.

Peter: Yeah, and then the Pharisees get all suspicious and start asking Jesus a bunch of questions.

Lois: That's right, and then Jesus says that He's come to earth as a light to the world.

Stewie: Yup, and then Jesus does a bunch of other miracles, like giving sight to the blind man and healing a man with a crippled hand.

Brian: Wow, that's amazing.

Peter: Yeah, and then Jesus talks about how if you don't do what He says, you're gonna be punished.

Lois: That's right, and then Jesus makes a reference to being the "Good Shepherd".

Stewie: Oh, and let's not forget the part where Jesus talks about how He is the "Bread of Life".

Brian: Wow, this is getting pretty deep.

Peter: Yeah, and then Jesus says that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.

Lois: That's right, and then the chapter ends with Jesus continuing to preach the good news.

Stewie: And that's John 9, everyone! In the words of Will Smith, "Ain't no such thing as halfway crooks!"