Stewie: Alright, so this chapter starts with Jesus being crucified.

Brian: Oh man, that's really sad.

Lois: Yeah, it's really tragic.

Peter: Ooh, I know a song about that. "The Cross of Jesus" by Vanilla Ice.

Stewie: Anyway, the soldiers cast lots for his clothing. Then Jesus says, "It is finished," and dies.

Brian: That's awful.

Lois: Yeah, it's a real tragedy.

Peter: Hey, I know a song about that too. "The End" by The Doors.

Stewie: Then Joseph of Arimathea, a rich man, asks Pilate for Jesus' body and he gets it. He wraps it in a linen cloth and buries it in a new tomb.

Brian: That's really touching.

Lois: Yeah, it's very moving.

Peter: I know a song about that too! "Tombstone Blues" by Bob Dylan.