Alex: "So, tell me a little bit about yourself!"
Contestant: "Well, if you want to know about me, I'll start by telling you about a book I've been reading lately: the Bible. In John 19, we learn about the crucifixion of Jesus. Pilate orders Jesus to be crucified, and he is mocked and beaten by the Roman soldiers. Jesus is eventually hung on the cross and dies, but not before committing his mother to the care of one of his disciples. Finally, his body is taken down and laid in a tomb."
Alex: [Sighs] "Uh, okay. So, what do you like to do in your free time?"
Contestant: "Actually, I was just getting to the really interesting part of the chapter. After Jesus' death, the curtain in the temple separating the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple is torn in two, symbolizing that the way to God is now open through Jesus. Then, Jesus' side is pierced, and water and blood flow out, symbolizing the forgiveness of sins."
Alex: [Rolls eyes] "Well, that's... [sighs] Let's move on. What kind of music do you like?"
Contestant: "Oh, I'm glad you asked. The chapter ends with Joseph of Arimathea asking Pilate for Jesus' body, and he and Nicodemus wrap it in linen cloths and place it in a tomb. This is symbolic of Jesus' burial and death and is a reminder of the hope of resurrection."
Alex: [Groans] "Okay, that's great. But, can we please talk about something else?"