Alex Trebek: So tell me a little bit more about yourself. What do you like to do for fun?
Contestant: Well, I like to read the Bible. I'd like to tell you about John 12.
Alex Trebek: Uh, okay.
Contestant: In John 12, Jesus is in Bethany, and Mary of Bethany anoints his feet with an expensive perfume. Jesus explains that Mary has done a good thing, because she will always be remembered for it. Then, Jesus enters Jerusalem and is welcomed by the people. He goes to the temple and drives out the merchants who were selling animals for sacrifice.
Alex Trebek: Well, that's interesting, but I think we should move on.
Contestant: Sure, but then Jesus gives his famous “Lazarus Discourse”, explaining that if people do not believe in him, they will be condemned. He then goes to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, where his disciples fall asleep.
Alex Trebek: Can we talk about something else?
Contestant: Sure, but then Judas arrives with a mob of people and Jesus is arrested. He is taken to be tried before the high priest and then before Pilate, but Pilate releases him. Finally, Jesus is crucified, dies, and is buried, but three days later, he is resurrected and ascends to heaven.
Alex Trebek: [Sighs] Alright, let's move on.