Peter: Alright, so in John 15, Jesus talks a lot about being the Vine, and how his followers are the branches.

Brian: So, like, he's saying that if we want to be fruitful, we gotta stick with him?

Cleveland: Yeah, but it's a little more complicated than that. He's saying that if we remain in him and his words remain in us, then we can know the truth and bear fruit.

Lois: Sounds like if you don't stay in the Vine, you'll be cut off like a bunch of grapes!

Meg: Ugh, why does Jesus have to make everything so complicated?

Stewie: Oh please, Meg, if you want complicated, try understanding the plot of Inception!

Chris: Yeah, Jesus makes it pretty simple. He's the only way to get to the Father and to God's kingdom.

Joe: Hey, I know it's a stretch, but maybe Jesus is like the Mario Kart of truth and righteousness?

Quagmire: I'll go with that! Anyway, Jesus wraps it up by saying that if we keep his commandment, then we're his friends, and if we don't, then we're not.

Peter: Alright, so basically, it's Mario Kart to Heaven or bust!