Peter: All right, you guys, let's get started with the summary of John 10.
Lois: Okay, so in this chapter, Jesus is talking about being the good shepherd, and how he's gonna protect his flock from all the predators out there.
Stewie: Oh, I get it, like how the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles protect the city from Shredder and his Foot Clan?
Peter: Yeah, Stewie, kind of like that. So, Jesus is talking about how he's the only one who can protect his flock from danger, and how his sheep will recognize him and follow him. He also talks about how the hirelings won't care about the sheep like he does.
Joe: Ooh, and then Jesus says that he and his Father are one, right?
Lois: That's right, Joe. Jesus is saying that he's the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can come to the Father but through him.
Stewie: Well, that's certainly a bold statement. Kind of like when Batman said, "I'm the night!"
Peter: Yeah, Stewie, kind of like that. Anyway, Jesus also says that he gives the sheep eternal life, and that no one will be able to snatch them away from him.
Lois: Alright, so that's John 10 in a nutshell. Any questions?
Joe: Yeah, does Jesus ever mention the Batmobile in this chapter?