Joe: Alright, so, let's dive into John 10.
Bible Expert: Sure. In John 10, Jesus compares himself to a shepherd. He says he knows his sheep and they know him.
Joe: So, like a farmer with a flock of sheep?
Bible Expert: Yes, exactly. He says the sheep know his voice and that he's the gatekeeper who provides protection for them.
Joe: Wow. Okay, so he's like a shepherd who's looking out for his flock?
Bible Expert: Yes, he's protecting them from danger and taking them to a place of safety.
Joe: Alright, so what else?
Bible Expert: Well, Jesus also talks about how he is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. He talks about how the hired hand or shepherd who doesn't care for the sheep will flee when danger comes, but the Good Shepherd will stay with the sheep and lay down his life for them.
Joe: Wow, that's intense. Alright, so what else?
Bible Expert: Jesus then talks about how he is the door to the sheepfold and that anyone who enters through that door will be saved. He says he's the one who will give them eternal life.
Joe: Alright, so Jesus is the door to salvation and eternal life?
Bible Expert: Yes, that's right. He's the one who will bring them into the fold and give them eternal life.