Joe: Alright, so John 9. This is the one where Jesus heals the guy with the blindness right?
Bible Expert: That's right Joe. In this chapter, Jesus encounters a man who was born blind and cures his blindness through a miraculous act.
Joe: Uh huh. So this guy was born blind, right? Did the other people think Jesus was just a miracle worker or was this so out there that they started to think he was something else?
Bible Expert: Well, the people around him were amazed by what Jesus had done and some were saying he must be a prophet.
Joe: Wow, so people were starting to think he was something bigger than just a miracle worker.
Jamie: (interjecting) Hey Joe, I'm Googling it and it looks like the religious leaders weren't too happy about this.
Bible Expert: That's right Jamie. The religious leaders didn't believe that Jesus could perform this miracle and tried to discredit him. They even questioned the healed man to try and prove that Jesus had not performed the miracle.
Joe: Wow, so Jesus healed a man who was born blind, and the religious leaders were so threatened by it that they tried to discredit him. That's pretty incredible. What happened next?
Bible Expert: Well, ultimately the healed man stood by Jesus and acknowledged that he was the one who healed him. The religious leaders were so angry that they excommunicated the man from the synagogue.
Joe: Wow, so this guy was willing to stand up for Jesus even though it meant getting kicked out of the synagogue. That's pretty brave!