Joe: Alright, so we’ve got Bible expert Phil here to give us a chapter by chapter summary of the Bible. Let’s dive right in with John 16.
Phil: Sure thing Joe. In John 16, Jesus is preparing the disciples for his departure. He tells them that he will send the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, and teach them.
Joe: Woah, wait. Hang on. What is this Holy Spirit thing?
Phil: Well, the Holy Spirit is the third part of the trinity, the other two being God the Father and God the Son, Jesus.
Joe: Ok, ok, ok. But why does Jesus have to go away?
Phil: Jesus knows that his mission on earth is coming to an end, and he wants to prepare his followers for his death and resurrection. He tells them that his leaving will be a good thing because the Holy Spirit will bring them even more truth than Jesus himself.
Joe: Wow! That is pretty amazing. So what else happens in this chapter?
Phil: Jesus also tells his disciples that the world will be hostile towards them, but that they should not be afraid. He promises them that they will be given strength and power to spread the message of God’s love to the world.
Joe: That is pretty incredible. But how can they do that if the world is against them?
Phil: Because they have faith. Jesus tells them that they will be given the ability to bear witness to the truth and to make disciples of all nations.
Joe: Wow, that’s really inspiring. Thanks for the summary, Phil!