Joe: Alright, so what's gonna go down in this chapter of the Bible?
Bible Expert: John 20 is all about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Joe: (interrupting) Woah, hold on, I thought he rose from the dead in the last chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, yes and no. In the last chapter, Jesus was buried, but in this chapter, Mary Magdalene discovers that the tomb is empty and that Jesus has risen.
Joe: (interrupting again) No way! That's crazy! So Mary Magdalene is the first person to find out about Jesus' resurrection?
Bible Expert: That's right. She goes to the tomb early in the morning and finds it empty. Later, Jesus appears to her, but she doesn't recognize him at first. It's only after he speaks her name that she realizes it is him.
Joe: That's wild! Then what happens?
Bible Expert: Well, Jesus then appears to the disciples, who don't believe it is really him until he shows them his hands and feet. Jesus then commissions them to go out and spread the gospel.
Joe: Cool! Is that it?
Bible Expert: Not quite. In the last few verses, Jesus appears to Thomas, who had doubted that Jesus had risen. Jesus shows Thomas his hands and feet and tells him to believe.
Joe: Wow, that's an incredible story. Jamie, Google this and make sure it's true.