Listen, Jack, here's the deal. This chapter is about a man who was born blind, c'mon, man! Jesus heals him and the dude's neighbors are all like, "No malarkey! Who healed you?". He's like, "Uh, you know, Jesus did. He's the Son of God". And they're like, "Oh, okay, yeah, right. Excuse me, but that's not gonna happen". So they take him to the Pharisees, who say, "Wait a minute, this is not the way it's supposed to be!" But Jesus is like, "See here, Jack, I'm not joking. I tell you what, I am the light of the world, literally. And that's how it's done". My father used to say that if you can see, you can see. What was that? He's not messing around. And that's John 9 for you.