Listen, Jack, here's the deal. In John 6, Jesus is literally feeding a whole crowd of people with five loaves of bread and two fish. I'm not joking! I tell you what, my father used to say that this was a miracle. And I'm not just talking about a few people, folks, we're talking about thousands! C'mon, man! So he's feeding all these people with just a few loaves and some fish. What was that? Jesus, he's just something else, you know?
But then, Jesus does something else. He walks on water! Excuse me, no malarkey! See here, Jack, this is an incredible event. Jesus literally walks on water in front of the disciples and they are just amazed. Or uh, you know, they are all scared because they don't believe it's really him, and they start to drown. But Jesus comes and grabs them, and they all make it to shore. Not gonna happen that you can walk on water every day, folks!
And then, Jesus starts talking about the bread of life. He tells the people that if they eat this bread, they will never be hungry again. Literally. My father used to say that this is a miracle, and I'm not joking. And then, Jesus goes up to heaven and the people just stand there in amazement. I tell you what, Jesus is something else.