Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, I'm telling you: This is the chapter that talks about Jesus going to the feast of the Jews, right? See here, Jack, this feast was like a big party for the Jews, and it was a big deal. And Jesus, he wanted to go and teach there, so he did. And, c'mon, man, everyone was like, "What is this guy doing here?" Literally, my father used to say, "If you don't belong somewhere, don't show up!" That's what he used to say. So, Jesus, he has to explain that he's not there to cause trouble, he's there to do good. But no malarkey, not everyone believes him. Some of them even wanted to arrest him, but he was too smart for them. He was like, "Wait, what was that? I'm not gonna be arrested here. Not gonna happen!" Excuse me, but the people weren't so sure, so they started to debate about it. They were like, "Okay, yeah, is he the guy we've been waiting for?" See here, Jack, it's a tough decision. But Jesus, he makes clear that he is the one they're looking for, so they don't arrest him and the chapter ends. I tell you what, it's a wild ride.