Batman: Holy jalapeños, Robin! Our mission this time is to describe 2 Corinthians 12!
Robin: Holy Bible study, Batman! What is 2 Corinthians 12 about?
Batman: Well, Robin, it's about Paul's revelations from God and his struggles with his human weaknesses.
Catwoman: Ha ha ha! Sounds like he could use a bit of help from The Catwoman!
Robin: Not so fast, Catwoman! Paul might not need your help, but he does need a bit of divine strength. And that's what he gets in 2 Corinthians 12!
Batman: It's true, Robin. Paul talks about his weaknesses and how God gives him strength to overcome them. He also talks about how God has given him special revelations.
The Joker: Ha ha ha! This is too good! Paul's revelations from God? That's a joke, right?
Batman: Not at all, Joker. Paul believes that these revelations are from God and he uses them to help him understand the world around him.
Robin: That's right, Batman. Paul's revelations are a source of strength and inspiration for him and for others.