Batman: Let's review what we've learned from 2 Corinthians 7, Robin.
Robin: Alright, Batman. It starts with Paul encouraging the Corinthians to cleanse themselves from all impurity and perfect holiness out of reverence for God.
Batman: That's right, Robin. He also reminds them of his kindness, comfort, and concern for their welfare.
Catwoman: Oh, please. Get on with the summary already!
Batman: Alright, Catwoman. Paul lets them know that the distress he had caused them was not intentional, but a result of his godly sorrow. Then he reminds them that his anguish produced a lasting change in them — repentance!
Robin: That's right, Batman. Paul commends the Corinthians for their sorrow, and how it led them to turn from sin and to be devoted to God.
Joker: Sounds like a snooze-fest!
Batman: Not at all, Joker. It's a powerful reminder of how God can bring about repentance and a new life in those who turn to Him.