Joe: Alright, so we're talking about the second letter to the Corinthians. What's the deal with chapter 7?
Bible Expert: Well, the Apostle Paul is giving the believers in Corinth some strong words of encouragement. He's telling them to stop partnering with unbelievers, to repent, and to turn back to God. He's also telling them to get rid of their idols and to be honest in their dealings with each other.
Joe: Interesting, so he's not just preaching about repentance, he's actually giving the believers in Corinth some practical advice.
Bible Expert: Absolutely! He's telling them to clean up their lives and to strive for holiness. He's telling them that they will reap what they sow, and they need to be careful about the choices they make.
Joe: Alright, so Paul is trying to encourage the believers to live a more holy life. What else is he saying?
Bible Expert: He's also telling them to rejoice in their sufferings, because it will produce endurance, character, and hope. He's telling them to persevere, because God will never leave them nor forsake them.
Joe: Wow, that's really inspiring. Paul is really trying to encourage the believers to be strong in their faith. So what else is he talking about in this chapter?
Bible Expert: He's also talking about how God will respond to their repentance. He's telling them that God is gracious and compassionate, and that he will forgive them if they turn back to him. He's also telling them to be joyful in their sufferings and to be patient, because God will eventually answer their prayers.