Peter: Alright, so in 2 Corinthians 7, Paul writes about how God can turn sorrow into joy.

Lois: Yeah, and he also talks about how we can trust in God's promises and be cleansed from sin.

Meg: Ah, the classic "sin and redemption" story. Like, the one time I watched Titanic with Stewie.

Stewie: Oh, please, Meg. That movie was a joke. I much prefer Die Hard. Now that's a real action movie.

Brian: Guys, anyway, Paul wants us to repent from our sins and be cleansed by God. He also talks about how we should be living a life of holiness and be devoted to God.

Lois: That's right. He also talks about how we should be grateful for God's mercy and how we should be striving to be like Christ.

Meg: Yeah, like when I tried to be more like Mrs. Lockhart in English class.

Peter: That didn't go so well, did it?

Stewie: No, it didn't. But the point is, we should be striving to be holy and devoted to God. That's what Paul is talking about in 2 Corinthians 7.