Peter: Alright, here's the rundown on 2 Corinthians 8: Stewie: More Corinthians? What a drag. Peter: Yeah, but this one's got some pretty cool stuff. Lois: Like what? Peter: Well, it's all about the generosity of the Macedonian Christians. They gave even though they were really poor. Brian: Wow, what a selfless act. Stewie: Yeah, like when I gave my teddy bear to a homeless person. Lois: What homeless person? Stewie: Probably the same one who paid for my teddy bear in the first place. Peter: Anyway, Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to follow the Macedonians' example, and to be generous to the poor. He also talks about Titus, who was sent to Corinth to help out. Lois: That's nice. Peter: Yeah, and Paul even offers to pay for the whole project out of his own pocket - he's pretty generous. Stewie: Hey, that reminds me of the time I gave my old sneakers to the Salvation Army.