Joe (excitedly): Alright, alright, alright! Let's get into 2 Corinthians 8. What can you tell us about this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, this chapter deals with two main topics: the collection of money for the poor in Jerusalem and the example of generosity set by the Macedonian churches.
Joe (interrupting): I'm sorry, did you say the collection of money for the poor in Jerusalem?
Bible Expert: Yes, the churches in Macedonia had responded to a collection of money for the poor in Jerusalem. Paul was encouraging the Corinthians to also give generously and to be an example of generosity to other churches.
Joe: Wow, that's amazing! So, what else is in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Paul is also giving the Corinthians an example of Christ's example of giving. He was urging them to give out of love for others, not out of obligation or for their own benefit.
Joe: That's incredible! Anything else?
Bible Expert: Yes, Paul also talks about the importance of giving according to one's ability. He warns against giving out of one's own lack of resources, or what he calls a "grudging attitude".
Joe (sarcastically): Alright, so basically give when you can and don't grudge. Got it. Anything else?
Bible Expert: Well, Paul ends this chapter with a warning to the Corinthians against boasting about their giving and encourages them to give cheerfully.