Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not gonna lie to ya, I saw a lot of malarkey in 2 Corinthians 3. My father used to say that literally nothing good was gonna come from it, and I'm not joking. Folks, it was crazy. Paul was talking about a letter from Moses that was written on stone. I mean, c'mon man, that was literally ages ago, excuse me. What was that? He also talks about how it was a spirit that gave us that letter and not an ink pen. Yeah, no malarkey, literally. But then he talks about how the Spirit can give us a new letter, on the inside of our hearts. I tell you what, that's something that's not gonna happen, or uh, you know, literally can't happen. See here, Jack, the Spirit of our God is actually something that's in us all the time, and it can't be rewritten like a letter. So, I guess we just have to take it as it is.