Listen, Jack, no malarkey! See here, Jack, 2 Corinthians 11 is about Paul talking about himself and his ministry, but he does it in a very strange way. He literally says that he has to brag about himself, because he is so worried that the Corinthians will turn away from the true gospel and follow false teachers instead. C'mon, man! He talks about his hardships and his faithfulness, and tells the people that they should be careful to follow the right path. My father used to say, "If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't true." Paul is basically saying that to the Corinthians - don't be fooled by those who think they are better than they really are. I tell you what, they should put their trust in the Lord and be wise in the choices they make. Or uh, you know, it won't end well. He ends his speech with a warning that he will come to them with a rod of discipline, and that he literally isn't joking. Not gonna happen - excuse me.